Selasa, 16 April 2013

Last Call – Upgrade Before It’s Too Late!

Last Call - Upgrade Before It's Too Late! if you can't see this email, please click here.
Last Call - Upgrade Before It's Too Late! Wibyia by Conduit
Good morning!

Your new Wibiya Bar is ready and waiting for you! We know you've been working hard on making your website incredible, and you're just a few clicks away from making it much better.

This is a big deal. Instead of showing of a bunch of apps to every visitor, Wibiya now shows one Action (app) at a time - the right Action for that visitor. It's clearer and it's the smarter way to go.

Here's a few ways to make your site ROCK:
  • Send Facebook users a Facebook Like bar.
  • Ask returning visitors to subscribe to your site.
  • Give content recommendations to active readers.
Your new bar is waiting for you. Check it out now!

We are very excited about this upgrade. Please keep in mind that In order to make these upgrades, some apps are no longer available.

All Wibiya Bars will be cued for automatic upgrades beginning today, April 17th, 2013.
Team Wibiya
Stay tuned for more Wibiya news and updates at or @Wibiya on Twitter.
Questions? Suggestions?
Visit, or reach out at @WibiyaSupport on Twitter.
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